How to launder your mask…
I get quite a few questions about how to care for your face masks. Well, yesterday was mask laundry day so I went through all of the pockets, purses, backpacks, car doors, and surfaces and found this pile of masks that needed to be laundered.
I wash them all about once per week now. We each have a few masks in rotation. I carry two in my purse now! It only took one instance of me driving all the way to the store only find out I had left my last mask on the counter. I had to turn around and go home to get one. Ugh! Now I keep them everywhere…
Pre-laundered masks
First, I lay them all flat, being careful to gently bend the nose piece out. This is when I check the elastic, and nose pieces.
Next, I get the Spray N Wash and go after them. I spray the front and the back, taking care to really get the nose area. My son works at Home Depot, and his mask gets filthy after one day of work. I offer him the masks with the black interior, but his favorite is the Koala print.
My masks usually have some lip color marks. I love the brights masks…surprise. My favorite was the Pink Palm, but now I bounce between the Tangerine Parrot, Serve and Volley or what ever best matches my outfit.
My daughter might have some foundation stains, or smell like sunscreen. Her favorite is the Zesty Lemon and now the Peaceful Pineapple.
Once they have all been sprayed down with Spray N Wash, or your favorite pre-treatment, I throw them in the washing machine for the 25 minute cycle. I add detergent and fabric softener.
I am always amazed by how well these wash up!
After I have made sure all of the stains are out, I put the masks in the dryer on the 20 minute cycle. You could use the tumble dry cycle, or you can let the masks air dry. I like to think that the bit of dryer heat makes the masks a little extra sanitary.
Once dry, I fold my masks neatly into stacks. One note on folding: The metal piece in the mask is pretty durable, but like any metal folded back and forth, it can fatigue. I always try to fold the mask nose piece around my index finger. This gives the metal piece an arc instead of a sharp crease so it will last a little longer.
There you have it! Now you will have fresh and sparkling clean face masks that smell wonderful. I do want to reiterate that these washing instructions are only for the face masks. The filters are not washable. Each filter is designed to be used for 5 days and then thrown away.
Oh, and the most important thing….put your masks back into your purse, car, back pack, bowl by the garage door so you are prepared the next time you need one.
Stay safe,